
Deep In the Deep....

The ocean waves rolled over And cried on the sea shore Raindrops trickled down from The gloomy weeping sky Has put our foot prints On the golden sandy coast Holding in warm embrace How couldn't I ever notice...? The secret of bevail surrounding Betrayal of great prince "CHARMING" Who had stolen my heart And flew on horse back But my beloved prince This pearl-oyester , deeper in the deep Requests your ship back To the harbour of pleasure Don't you ever forget The pearl "OUR LOVE" in return Only precious thing , this poor creature Can gift even with its life

Bloomed with Love

My heart overbrimuned with joy Because the moon began glowing Over a dark weeping sky A lotus raised in mud water Starved with hunger,yet saved From evil of death , noone's infant Rejoicing face , with toothless mouth wide Waving supple hands to clap A drizzle onto a torn land Which made my cottage glitter Irritated skin of sun burn Was a suffering no more But when you are dancing To the melodies of breeze The way you are smiling Like a full moon in the dark sky Slowly the bud will bloom Spreading sweet fragrance all over If cruel bees were informed I fear , they would hurt you... o

The Truth Unfolded.....

Moonlight falls over the mountains Coolness spreads throughout the air Silky clouds sail gently across the sky Treasured memories rush into my mind I still remember that glowing night Making a lantern which was never before Lovely melodies echoed in my heart for you Stealthily floated to your ear in breeze You melted,enlighten my path as a candle I enjoyed sweet fragrance of rose,"our love" It had the power to fill my empty heart aglow When love was new and life was good Winter came,frosted every nook and corner Roses fell upon the ground,petals went in breeze The pleasure we got from every stick and stone Became only a warm thought that ruined Pages of days were written in story "LIFE" Attractive cob-webs had invaded poor swings The playground which we used to huddle Has become silent as a grave yard with time When our hopes were on different ways Was a painful mourn to leave you alone Life works out its

Sometimes A Rose Is Destined To Love A Thistle

          When the atmosphere smelling the dust           Was dark with the drizzly raid           Brilliant sun rays of hope you sent           Paved way to the dazzling rainbow                    I wanted to dive deeper in water                    To search for the pearls of pleasure                    It was made very easy for me                    With the light rays you spreaded throughout          It was hard to fly upper the hills          Against the cold stormy winds          Once I was caught up with killing air          Hardly I could gather my courage                         You held me on your wings and flew                         Higher avoiding the strikes of dismay                         My Eagle,I felt your robust desire                         To make this silly creature comfort           But awaken from dream sweetest of all           Like a cube of carved ice melted,all gone           You have left,locked and the key ta

The Unexpected Savior

Some times happiness is a blessing , But generally , it is a conquest Each days magic moment helps us To change and sends us off In search of our dreams In my dreams you came to me You were the angel let the sorrow vanish But had to pass hardships before Time trained and my aim only to win Once I peeped at clear blue water Noticed only a pebble useless It was you who sent light rays Making it glimmer and become worthy You identified the pebble and  Carved it and turned to a gem I must admire your patience Stronger when carving the smooth edges When darkness had fallen While peering at the shadows You trained me to listen to whispers And end up my journey safe When the last drop of hope was  Dried by the cruel sun of setback You taught me what the pain is Dropped me at where the gain is You were a deserted horse Who lost its strength long time ago but once  I came and simply touched I felt the warmth of blood yet to move With you I smel

A night surrendered by darkness

It was dark as dark as hell Not even a tiny star In a wide wide sky Was a struggle inside my mind A cloak was a relief To my frozen life Suddenly been blessed You came to my vista Your love was a bonfire Warmed my irritated heart I dared to fear not Of perils of wild animals I was enjoying comfort  Dead to the world in your arms Suddenly my cloak caught up fire My life was a close shave Shattered all my dreams Who knew "love" that much Strong to wrest console While healing wounds A night came and went by After few hours sun will rise And blaze again in splendour A new hope sprouting in my mind With only few cloths left, wrapped Around my body to secrete shame And boldness to face challenges With a scar of a nightmare.

Key To The Paradise

If your days are numbered, and your time is set, if your life is measured in a moment life-and-death Will angels hoist your soul? felicitous to be with redeemer or will be fallen in to fires where daemons fight tooth and nail Decides your journey after death by the way you shared your food with the poor widow next door  and street children in other lane If you were offered a treasure  and a wounded heart the man who chooses the right door  will open and enter the paradise with the key he  is given.....