
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Unexpected Savior

Some times happiness is a blessing , But generally , it is a conquest Each days magic moment helps us To change and sends us off In search of our dreams In my dreams you came to me You were the angel let the sorrow vanish But had to pass hardships before Time trained and my aim only to win Once I peeped at clear blue water Noticed only a pebble useless It was you who sent light rays Making it glimmer and become worthy You identified the pebble and  Carved it and turned to a gem I must admire your patience Stronger when carving the smooth edges When darkness had fallen While peering at the shadows You trained me to listen to whispers And end up my journey safe When the last drop of hope was  Dried by the cruel sun of setback You taught me what the pain is Dropped me at where the gain is You were a deserted horse Who lost its strength long time ago but once  I came and simply touched I felt the warmth of blood yet to move With you I smel