
Showing posts from September, 2015

Key To The Paradise

If your days are numbered, and your time is set, if your life is measured in a moment life-and-death Will angels hoist your soul? felicitous to be with redeemer or will be fallen in to fires where daemons fight tooth and nail Decides your journey after death by the way you shared your food with the poor widow next door  and street children in other lane If you were offered a treasure  and a wounded heart the man who chooses the right door  will open and enter the paradise with the key he  is given.....

The Invasive Sun Rays....

The sun beams dart through the leaves making a lattice work waving the lovely supple hands baby whirls with a yell of joy My mind flew back few years less than a quarter of a century it was our golden era which we tried to arrest the guilty sun rays For falling and heating relevant spots of innocent furniture those days we had a wonderful mission to invade the criminal "Sun" We just played putting our hands together like little buds which were to bloom Time storm has all faded away dreams wilted on pavements grey we were taught to tame "The little monstrous creatures" Which were yelling for a drop of love and pleasure we became respected ladies suddenly she was surrendered by a cupid Her face has become calm coloured with a bliss although I wanted to take her hand and rush to the woods Can't help , her feet are  bounded by the responsibilities I felt someone pulling my hands and it was